Chaos Makes Sense

Chaos Makes Sense

The New Era of Retail & Media Innovation

December 29, 2014

Have you ever looked back and wondered about the origins of online retail and media? Do you want to know more about the early innovators behind some of your favorite businesses? Starting your own business online can be intimidating, but hearing firsthand experiences of those who succeeded in this goal can help you know what to expect.

If you want to hear about early innovation in online shopping then invest 20 minutes to listen to this edition of Chaos Makes Sense where your host Kimberly Henrie interviews Matt Frary, CEO of SmarterChaos and special guest Jon Nordmark, founder of Iterate and

Who Is Jon Nordmark and What Is Iterate Studio?

Matt kicks off the episode with an introduction to Jon Nordmark, the man behind sites like eBags and CaseLogic. Matt describes John as one of the most renown online startup experts in the industry and then shares facts and statistics to back up the description.

Matt and Jon look back to their own early days in the industry. Then the topic segues into the new era of retail and media, namely with Iterate Studio, an Innovation Incubator started by Jon that brings large companies and start-ups together. Jon also shares the overwhelming number of online startups that came into being over the last year alone.

Iterate Studios helps large enterprises extend their reaches to greatly increase success rates. During the program Jon gives specific examples of how this happens and what it means for the new era of retail and media.

Types of Companies Iterate Studio Works With

First aimed at a specific type of clientele, Iterate Studios now works with a wide range of industries. John shares about the background of those people who serve as members of the Iterate Studio team and explains how their skills benefit both the company and their clients.

Next Jon goes into the different industries and large companies that Iterate Studio works with, and he divulges the one common element they all have despite the obvious diversities. He also tells listeners what they can expect to see in the future as Iterate Studio works to find different technologies to help bring more big companies not only into the present day of online marketing, but also the next era of what is to come.

Creating a start-up can be overwhelming, and the number of new digital start-ups per year that Jon shares is just short of staggering. As Matt points out, the innovation or marketing department of large retailers can potentially hear from more emails and telephone calls than they have the time to answer.

If you’re a company looking to work with an innovative new startup, as Matt points out then it may be necessary to look at outside resources.

Emerging Technologies that Use Iterate Studio

During the podcast, Jon talks about the various emerging technologies that use Iterate Studio’s services. He explains the reasons behind picking these technologies, and also answers these questions:

- How does Iterate Studio screen companies they work with?
- Where around the globe are these companies located?
- How does cloud storage influence today’s digital companies?
- What is the most effective way to raise money for a start-up?
- How does Iterate Studio differ from other major retail labs?

Could Your Start-up Benefit from Iterate’s Services?

Do you have a start-up company that needs help getting off the ground? Do you want help raising money for your start-up? Invest 20 minutes to listen to Matt Frary on Chaos Makes Sense now, then share your questions and comments below. We look forward to hearing from you.

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