Chaos Makes Sense

Chaos Makes Sense

Blogging Like A Professional

October 27, 2014

Are you looking to own a blog and earn a living from home? Do you want to know how to become a blogging superstar?

Blogging is one of the most profitable methods to earn money online, but it is also a crowded marketplace. To succeed you need certain qualities.

If you are looking for those secrets on how to get the most out of your affiliate links then invest 20 minutes to listen to this edition of Chaos Makes Sense where your host Kimberly Henrie interviews Matt Frary, CEO of SmarterChaos and Rachel Martin, the author and blogger behind, and the Founder of The Blogging Concentrated Conference Series.

Finding The Joy In Life

Rachel begins the episode by telling us a little of her background. She is a mother of seven children, which are her primary source of ideas for content on her blog: The blog has been around for 4 to 5 years but it took some time to really grow.

The growth of the blog happened when Rachel discovered what she wanted to do and found her voice for the content she wrote. She found that she wanted to celebrate the challenges of life and how to overcome them. She also didn’t want to wallow in adversary but rather encourage the results that have come from difficult times.

Matt and Rachel were first Facebook friends before meeting in person thanks to Joel Comm. Their first meeting was a dinner between Matt and his wife and Rachel and her partner Dan. After this meeting they became great friends.

Making A Difference In The World

Rachel fully believes that any entrepreneur or start-up can use a blog. It gives them the ability to speak the truth and present themselves freely. It can also be made into a revenue generating business, one that can really make a difference in the world.

During the show, Rachel is asked the blogging version of the Chicken or the Egg question: should aspiring bloggers worry about content or money first? Rachel answers that she believes people can start off making money on the blog from the first piece of content.

She also encourages aspiring bloggers to remember that time spent on the computer is time away from the family. If you want to start blogging you have think whether you want to start blogging as a hobby or because you want to make money. For some, this is a big decision to make.

During the podcast, Rachel and Matt answer these questions:

- What is the main barrier that aspiring bloggers use for not start blogging?
- Did Rachel find it an easy process to discover the right voice for her blog?
- How does she find time to write and produce all the online content she publishes?
- What is Blogging Concentrated?
- What happens at Blogging Concentrated events?
- How can you attend Blogging concentrated events?

Are You Aspiring To Be A Blogger?

Are you looking to work from home and make your money from blogging? Do you want to know more about how you can be a blogging superstar? Then invest 20 minutes of your time and listen to Matt Frary and Rachel Martin in this podcast about blogging. Then come back and give us your feedback.

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