Chaos Makes Sense

Chaos Makes Sense

A Full Funnel Media Buying Approach

July 01, 2014

Are you looking to achieve more from your marketing mix? Do you want to know more about your consumers and how they are discovering your business? Current techniques concentrate on the last touch point to give credit for sales. Yet a customer’s marketing journey can have many different touch points.

To understand how each one plays a part and how you can use this information for specific targeting, you need to consider the full funnel rather than the acquisition point.

If you are looking for those secrets on how to get the most out of your marketing efforts then invest 20 minutes to listen to this edition of Chaos Makes Sense where your host Kimberly Henrie interviews Matt Frary, Chief of Chaos at, Tom Heaton, Digital Sales Executive for Digital First Media for, and Corey Dyben, Digital Sales Manager, who is opening up the media buying arm for SmarterChaos. In this edition they will be discussing a full funnel media buying approach.

Those looking to increase the reach of their business will benefit from listening to this insightful podcast episode.

The Marketing Mix Causing the Business Headache

Corey begins the episode by discussing some of the latest marketing trends he has noticed. He tends to find that businesses are spending between 2-10% of their marketing budget on performance marketing. The rest of the budget is divided between traditional media such as Television, Radio, Print and non-performance digital marketing like search, email and display.

One of the other problems Corey has noticed in the market is there are few providers of all approaches. Therefore businesses are stuck with a headache when having to deal with several providers who will all have different tracking software, reporting and contacts.

The whole process, as Corey sees it, is a mess. However, Matt states that all businesses need to be open to the different marketing options available. Essentially no matter what the marketing medium is they all perform three essential tasks: acquiring customers, increasing sales and pushing the brand.

SmarterChaos is looking to solve some of these problems by becoming a full service provider. This is something which Corey is heavily involved in.

The Preferred Google Partner Has Added Advantages

Tom talks about his role with Digital First Media and how over a month they are providing 3,500 campaigns over 800 platforms. These campaigns can be local, national or international.
One of the elements that makes Tom’s work so effective is that his company is a Preferred Google Partner. This gives them a host of benefits to help their clients target their customers specifically based on a number of factors.

Matt comments that one of the most important questions asked is where the customers are coming from. In order to answer this, you need to embrace data rich targeting.

Tom’s company uses its relationship with Google as well as other partners like and to gain access to vast amounts of market data. From this, they are able to determine the best course of action and the right marketing mix tailored for each client.

During the podcast the following points will be discussed:

- How many international companies are Preferred Google Partners?
- How can this help and support the marketing goals of their clients?
- What detail of targeting can now be achieved using the right data?
- Why is concentrating on the acquisition click inefficient?
- What is the Zero-Moment of Truth and why is it important?

Matt also talks a little about how the situation has changed from when he was working at While there he worked with an agency that promised him all of these advantages but couldn't deliver because the conditions were not right for the collection or accessibility of the data.

Embrace the Full Funnel and Grow Your Business

Are you interested in learning more about the full funnel media buying approach? Do you want to find out how this approach can help you achieve greater results? Then join Matt, Tom and Corey in this week’s edition of Chaos Makes Sense and realize the benefits for yourself. Afterwards come back here and let us know your feedback, we would love to hear from you.

Improve Content Management Efficiency

How to create and manage content is a struggle for many businesses. We look at the steps you can take to handle this vital marketing skill.

Do you struggle to keep control of your content? Listen to our podcast and share your thoughts with us!

SmarterChaos manages multi-channel ad campaigns and handles all aspects of performance marketing relationships to drive your sales. Contact them to learn how you can get the best possible ROI for your affiliate marketing budget.
