The Dr. Chalmers Show- Insights to Wellness Podcast

The Dr. Chalmers Show- Insights to Wellness  Podcast

Dr Chalmers Path to Pro - Stem Cell

May 07, 2024

The potential of stem cell therapy while navigating legal limitations. Emphasizes that stem cells aid the body's natural healing process rather than acting as a direct cure, highlighting different types of stem cell treatments and their applications. The importance of caution and thorough research when considering stem cell therapy, encouraging viewers to share their personal experiences to contribute to ongoing research and understanding in the field.

Highlights of the Podcast

00:34 - Drugs don't fix you, supplements don't fix you 

02:32 - Put all of the pieces together that your body needs 

03:11 - The stem cells as a tool to regenerate and heal 

05:06 - The inflammation a lot of your body to heal the knee

06:01 - The list of things that we can do

07:33 - A lot of times you guys use these things to 

09:13 - The ways that you can kind of work through it

10:08 - Can stem cells help me? 

12:48 - Get more information to people

13:58 - The number one thing we can do

15:53 - Researching within their life