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CO118 Andrew Branca on Gun Law
July 29, 2019

Andrew Branca is a lifelong NRA member, a lawyer who consults on self-defence law and the author of The Law of Self Defense: The Indispensable Guide to the Armed Citizen. During our discussion, I metioned the Dickey Amendment,

CO117 Will Wilkinson on Community and Ideology
July 22, 2019

Will Wilkinson is the vice president for research at the Niskanen Center. He’s also and a contributing opinion writer for the New York Times. He was previously, a correspondent for The Economist and a research fellow at the Cato Institute.

CO116 Raymond Ibrahim on Islam and the West
July 15, 2019

Raymond Ibrahim is the author of Sword and Scimitar: Fourteen Centuries of War Between Islam and the West. ***** Let’s do a bit of science. Maybe, like me, you have had various social media invaded by people making all sorts of complaints about somethi...

CO115 John Hawkins on Politicized Data
July 08, 2019

John Hawkins is a writer for Bizpaq review, Brass Pills and is the editor Right Wing News. He’s also the author of 101 Things All Young Adults Should Know. We talked about John’s article The Best Stats & Quotes From ‘Alienated America: Why Some Places ...

CO114 Greg Shupak on Reporting the Conflict
July 01, 2019

Greg Shupak has a PhD in Literary Studies and teaches Media Studies at the University of Guelph in Toronto. He regularly writes analysis of politics and media for outlets including Electronic Intifada, In These Times, Jacobin,

CO113 Mark Vernon on the Secret History of Christianity
June 17, 2019

Mark Vernon is a psychotherapist and writer, with a degree in physics, before two degrees in theology, and a PhD in philosophy. He’s written books covering subjects from friendship and belief, to wellbeing and love. His next book,

CO112 Justin Strekal on Legalizing Marijuana
June 10, 2019

Justin Strekal political director at Norml. ***** I mentioned last week that I would talk about the earthquake – earthquakes really – in UK politics. In particular that Nigel Farage’s new party, the Brexit Party won the European Parliament elections in...

CO111 Bruce Schneier on Cybersecurity
June 03, 2019

Bruce Schneier is a public-interest technologist. He’s been writing about security issues for more than 20 years, and he’s a Special Advisor to IBM Security, a fellow and lecturer at Harvard’s Kennedy School,

CO110 Grayson Quay on Another View on MeToo
May 27, 2019

Grayson Quay is a freelance writer. His work has been published in The Washington Times,, National Interest, Townhall and others. He is also MA candidate at Georgetown University Master’s Degree candidate.

CO109 Aaron Naparstek on the War on Cars
May 20, 2019

Aaron Naparstek is a cohost of the War on Cars podcast, and also the founder of ***** There have been a couple of stories about facial recognition. This audio is from a BBC report where the police set up a van with cameras filming pass...