Center for Genetically Encoded Materials

Center for Genetically Encoded Materials

GEM-NET—the software that keeps CGEM connected

October 15, 2019

This episode is a deep dive into C-GEM's scientific teamwork software infrastructure ("GEM-NET"), whose design and setup instructions were published as an article in ACS Central Science (Gaffney et al. 2019). Today's discussion is led by C-GEM Project Coordinator Sarah Smaga who speaks with team members and article co-authors Stephen Gaffney, Jeffrey Townsend, and Omer Ad. They discuss their experiences working together as a virtual team using the tools of GEM-NET to manage task lists, scheduling, data sharing, collaborative document and code editing, and private and public communication.

• Gaffney, Stephen G., et al. "GEM-NET: Lessons in Multi-Institution Teamwork Using Collaboration Software." ACS central science 5.7 (2019): 1159-1169.
• C-GEM's custom apps on GitHub:

C-GEM is an NSF Center for Chemical Innovation.