What’s inside this week’s magazine?

October 06, 2016

Cover Story…
The elite is failing – because it acts as if economics can answer man’s deepest longings, says R.R Reno
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Dan Hitchens on the Bishop who took on Boko Haram with the Rosary
The Fatima anniversary can be a call to arms for Catholics says Donal Anthony Foley
Exclusively available in the magazine and on the online app…
Melissa Kite has a tumbleweed moment at a Tory dinner in Birmingham
The heartbreaking stories I heard from Iraqi Christians, by Alexandra Tompson
Priests need to look the part if they want to be taken seriously says Jonathan Luxmoore
Why French Catholics are voting for the National Front by Pierre Jova
How many marks out of 10 for the Holy Office? asks Quentin de la Bédoyère
Mary Kenny explains how the Church tamed ‘‘lad culture’’ in the 16th century
Will Gore is impressed by Jude Law’s new role: a Pope who loves Cherry Coke
Piers Paul Read admires Robert Harris’s Vatican thriller
Pastor Iuventus tells the story of a former abortion clinic, now purified through prayer
Melanie McDonagh on the Cambridge historian who taught wisdom about death
Don’t go thinking that God has blessed you more than others, says Fr Ronald Rolheiser
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