Cat Context Podcast

Cat Context Podcast

Cat Context 82: The Taken King, F2P Practices, Voice Acting, Fall TV Shows

September 23, 2015

This week Liore, Arolaide, and Ellyndrial mourn the loss of Dinklebot in Destiny's The Taken King expansion, come up with more reasons why we're big free-to-play grumps, and share our favorite Fall TV.

Ellyndrial reports on some of the changes in Destiny with the release of the game's first expansion, The Taken King. The most obvious difference is replacing the voice of the Dinklebot with the.. Northlebot? Hmmm, it just doesn't sound as cool. Talking about voice actors gets the crew thinking about how the choice of an actor can change the gameplay experience. Liore feels that Troy Baker might be a bit too ubiquitous right now, while Aro talks about her experiences hearing game voice actors on television shows. And does using a celebrity voice distract from a game?

Last week an article by an anonymous free-to-play producer went viral, giving everyone even more reasons to dislike the payment model. All three are surprised at the lengths F2P titles will go to in their pursuit of "whale dollars", and are equally appaled by the amount of information being harvested from players. As Aro says, if you're not the customer then you're probably the product. Liore relates the data tracking concept to the recent discussion about ad blockers -- is it unethical to block ads or have they just become unbearably terrible?

Also, Elly talks about silly sci-fi shows for Fall! Liore announces a new podcast! Aro wants to hit everyone with sticks!

This podcast is also available in unedited form as a video. Behold:

* "We Own You", the free-to-play article
* Free Music Archive page for our theme, in THE crowd by The Years