Cartoon Express

Cartoon Express

Latest Episodes

Off The Rails – Episode 4
April 24, 2015

So, we're doing this again. This episode's concept is the product of Kevin's imagination, so if you enjoy it, he gets all the credit, but if you hate it, he gets all the blame!

Episode 17 – Fantastic Max – Beach Blanket Baby
April 20, 2015

Dirty Diapers! Today's show is all about a four-ply diaper and a safety pin, oh yeah, and Dumpin' Jack Trash! Kevin says he's going to start a fan page dedicated to Jack Trash so you definitely want to listen to this episode.

Off The Rails – Episode 3
April 08, 2015

Let's take a trip to 'What If' land! Don't know what we're talking about? Tough luck! The only way to find out is to listen!

Episode 16 – Inhumanoids – Cult of Darkness
March 23, 2015

So, this week Kevin picked a show we had never seen before, Inhumanoids. And, well... there was probably a good reason none of us had watched it. It might not be horrible, but I wouldn't get your hopes up!

Episode 15 – X-Men Evolution – The Stuff of Heroes
March 16, 2015

This week is Brian's pick, so it should come as no surprise that we are watching a superhero cartoon. X-Men Evolution is a favorite of all three of us though, so this should actually turn out to be a fun episode.

Off The Rails - Episode 2
February 23, 2015

Toys, toys, toys! We had to do it folks! Brian was threatening to quit if we didn't let him rant about toys for a while (just kidding). We had a blast talking about old bits of plastic and metal, hopefully you have fun listening to us.

Episode 14 - Rainbow Brite - Rainbow Night
February 16, 2015

It feels like girls, and the cartoons made for them were unrepresented, so Erik has picked an episode of Rainbow Brite this time. Needless to say, Kevin and Brian are not thrilled. Can the magic of happiness and color change their minds? Don't get your h

Episode 13 - Wallace and Gromit - The Wrong Trousers
February 09, 2015

You're in for a real treat folks! This episode features the award winning work of Nick Park. Kevin has picked a great one and it's unlikely anyone will be able to find fault with it.

Off The Rails - Episode 1
February 03, 2015

This is madness! Not your usual show from the brothers three. This week we decided to kick back and just chat about what's on our minds. But don't worry, what's on our minds is still cartoons!

Episode 12 - Batman The Animated Series - Joker’s Favor
January 27, 2015

We are vengeance, we are the night, we are... The Cartoon Express Podcast! Ok, so it doesn't have quite the same ring to it. Either way, this time around Brian has picked a pretty cool show for us to watch (still trying to forget Swamp Thing...), so if yo