Conversations That Matter

Conversations That Matter

Jeff Turner on Values, Vision, And the Power of Information!

May 30, 2015

Deeply philosophical, insightful and one of the most articulate men I've ever had the pleasure of learning from, Jeff Turner  has become someone I respect as a leader, a visionary, and a friend!  He has an uncanny insight into the subtle nuances affecting any business' success, and can simplify even the most complex ideas for the rest of us. Earning his experience and wisdom over 25 years as a seasoned entrepreneur and successful senior executive in major corporations, he writes of himself:

With degrees in psychology from Grace College (Bachelor of Science: Psychology) and Ball State University (Master of Arts: School Psychology), I look beyond the “how” of social and internet technologies to get to the “why” that unleashes their true power. I apply the beauty and science of creative communications not just to my own organizations, but to those of my clients. Through these practices, I’ve helped my companies and clients achieve measurable, practical, real-life success … time and time again.

In this Conversation That Matters, Jeff addresses our shared passion for vision, values, culture, and as President of Real Satisfied the importance of monitoring your brand utilizing their customer satisfaction surveys and tools and why that matters.:

An organization that has a clearly articulated vision that is real, and clearly articulated values that they actually live, has more power...achieves higher results, is more profitable and has higher levels of satisfaction.
The value of this data is in improving the real estate industry... not in getting more leads.

Amen! Finally, as you can see, Jeff is a beautiful writer, speaker and communicator ~ far better than I!  Prepare to be enlightened! #ThoughtLeader ;)