Conversations That Matter

Conversations That Matter

Gary Chambers: TractorView, Tech, & Good ol’ Fashioned Hard Work

January 22, 2015

There's very few people who will work harder than Gary Chambers AND he's just about the smartest, sweetest guy you'll ever have the good fortune of meeting!

Dedicated to every aspect of his life, when Gary decides to do something, it doesn't occur to him that he might not be able to and so he goes ALL IN!

He's Associate Broker/Owner of Century 21 Power Realty in Airdrie Calgary and Drumheller Homes, as well as Owner/Operator of his family farm! That right there would be more than enough for most, but Gary also likes to add endurance sports to his repertoire and has been competing in cycling AND just to keep it interesting Gary is also a Director on CREA's MTC committee advising on technology and! Sheesh!

Gary is a charming; straight forward; tells-you-what-he-thinks, kind of guy! And when he's not on the farm, he's a WELL DRESSED MAN! Dare I say obsessed? Ask to see his sock/shoe collection!
Banff Western Connection
I was introduced to Gary way back in 2011 (I was off in my guess!) at Banff Western Connection (Easily Canada's BEST conference hosted by the 4 western provincial association every two years in January at the Banff Springs Hotel) He came over to me with his iPad to show me what he was doing with "TractorView" video blogging and I was instantly impressed! (The iPad back then was a hint at how tech savvy he is!)
"Tractorview" and John Deere-  Man meets BRAND
Gary has a natural intuition when it comes to business and branding. On top of his work ethic, he's also incredibly creative ~ a killer combo! Out to differentiate himself, quiet his competition and make use of his time spent in his John Deere in the fields, Gary started his video blog TractorView where he shares his views about farming, tech, business and real estate beginning over 4 years ago - WAY ahead of the curve!

Here's to good ol' fashioned hard work and a killer smile! Cheers Gary!(Connect with Gary @Tractorview )

(Just for fun ~ Here's a "Tractorview" video Gary sent me on my birthday a couple years ago :) )