CannaInsider - Interviews with the Business Leaders of The Legal Cannabis, Marijuana, CBD Industry

CannaInsider - Interviews with the Business Leaders of The Legal Cannabis, Marijuana, CBD Industry

Ep 324 - The Cannabinoid Science Nobody is Talking About

November 02, 2020

We just reached possibly one of the largest milestones in creating pure, consistent cannabinoids in a lab. Here to tell us about it is Kevin Chen of Hyasynth Bio. Learn more at  Key Takeaways:  [1:32] An inside look at Hyasynth Bio and its work creating biosynthesized cannabis compounds [3:05] Hyasynth Bio’s first product, an ultra-pure CBD oil created using cultured cannabinoids [7:44] How Hyasynth Bio is improving CBD production in terms of both speed and purity [9:12] Why multinational companies are gravitating towards biosynthesized cannabinoids for better consistency and supply chain performance [13:14]  [16:55] How biosynthesized cannabinoids are paving the way for international cannabis brands and which products Kevin believes will go global first [21:23] How cellular agriculture is giving us better access to rare cannabinoids [27:48] Why cellular agriculture is easier to automate and how this might influence prices in the cannabis industry [32:21] Hyasynth Bio’s strategy to profit primarily through intellectual property licensing [36:24] Where Hyasynth Bio currently is in the capital-raising process