Can-Do Radio

Can-Do Radio

Can-Do Radio: Episode 189 - 16 Sep 2020

September 16, 2020

The Can-Do Radio Show showcases music from artists from Can-Do Musos. Each artist played, lives with the challenge of a day to day disability. Whether it be a physical disability, mental illness, or intellectual disability, each artist has the same passion and dedication to their craft. On this week's episode, Andrew Hewitt plays music from Australia, England, United States of America, Canada, New Zealand, and Chile.
To find out more about the artists on this show, check out and while you are at it, please give us a 'like' on Facebook. .
Can-Do Musos now supports 336 musicians from 34 countries, all living with a disability. Can-Do Musos are now a 501c3 registered non profit charity organisation. We are raising funds to help us grow as a community, and further empower musicians living with a disability from all over the world. Being a 501c3 means any donation is tax deductable. To donate, please visit

On this weeks show:
2. FRB (ENG) - Build Me Up
3. JIM SHIREY & THE FAITH HEALERS (USA) - Muddy and the Devil
4. KEV SPENCER (AUS) - Sounds like love
5. BROCK DAVISSON (USA) - Calhoun County
6. MARC PLAYLE (ENG) - Dysfunction
7. MIKE NAGODA (CAN) - In Memoria
9. SAL AVERSANO (USA) - Get On Board
10. THE MUTES (FROM MARS) (NZ) - Retail Blues
11. TONY GEBHARD (USA) - Never
12. LEFT STRONGER (USA) - Chance for Romance
13. XANDER & THE PEACE PIRATES (ENG) - Dance with the devil
14. BRAULIO MORALES (CHL) - The Resistance