Candid: With Lona Mori (Archived)

Candid: With Lona Mori (Archived)

Candid #15 - Agreeing in a Disagreeable Way

July 19, 2015

On tonight's show, we sat down with Shane Smith, from Now That I'm Older.
Show Topics:
Why the Iran deal is good (HuffPo)
Why the Iran deal is bad (USAToday)
Jade Helm 15!! Training? Or preparation for civil war? (USAToday)
Chattanooga Shooting (CNN)
The 5 brave soldiers who were murdered (CNN)
Pep Talk:
Wake up people! We’re busy bickering about insignificant bullshit while our country is being invaded, attacked and destroyed from within. Take a look around. We fought for our independance once and we may have to do it again. Don’t believe me? History repeats itself, always.
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