Can I Pick Your Brain?

Can I Pick Your Brain?

154: How to Outsource, Optimize and Automate Your Way To Wealth with James Schramko

April 11, 2019

This has to be one of my favorite episodes for one very simple reason. It was HIGHLY HIGHLY practical. I don’t think there was an ounce of fluff in the whole hour of content.
James Schramko has made over 10 million dollars online with a team of just 6 people.
The best part? He spends 4 days of the week surfing and hanging out with his wife and 5 children.
How? By outsourcing, optimizing and automating EVERYTHING.
In this fun yet value dripping conversation James shares:

* How to scale an insanely profitable business with a lean team
* How to work less and earn more
* How to communicate effectively with a virtual team
* How to keep your best workers by giving them unlimited freedom
* How to get more done by switching off from social
* Why you should never have meetings on Monday morning
* Why sales funnels don’t work
* The TEA formula for creating content
* The I, You, We Method for training staff

And a bucket load more value bombs …
OH and there’s a little surprise in the middle that involves James and I rapping and beatboxing like Eminem .. drowning .. after falling off a cliff and rolling most of the way down.
Resources & Links:

* The Self Help Addict (My book)
* Gefen Media Group (Sponsor)

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