Calvin's Corner

Calvin's Corner

Latest Episodes

Calvin’s Corner #96: Google Scholars and Reading Books!!
January 30, 2017

On this edition of Calvin’s Corner Pastor Michael Newnham and Phil Naessens discuss how important to understand the Sovereignty of God during times of distress, that Christianity is a long process, the importance of reading a book and why “Goo

Calvin’s Corner #95: Would America Benefit from a State or National Religion?
January 23, 2017

On this edition of Calvin’s Corner hosts Pastor Michael Newnham and Phil Naessens discuss whether or not America would benefit from a State or National religion and whether or not the actions of some Christians tarnish Christianity and much more. DO

Calvin’s Corner #94: The Difficulty in Explaining the Trinity
January 18, 2017

On this edition of Calvin’s Corner Pastor Michael Newnham and Phil Naessens answer several listeners questions including why the Trinity is so difficult to explain and much more. DOWNLOAD

Calvins Corner #93: The Local Church has Lost it’s True Calling
January 09, 2017

On this edition of Calvin’s Corner Pastor Michael Newnham and Phil Naessens discuss the main difference between Calvinism and Hyper-Calvinism, the responsibility of the local church and how it’s failed the communities in regards to raising up

Calvin’s Corner #92: Is Prayer Really A Big Waste of Time?
December 19, 2016

On this edition of Calvin’s Corner Pastor Michael Newnham and Phil Naessens discuss how difficult the holidays can be for some people and whether or not someone who doesn’t pray or believe it is a big waste of time can still be a Christian plu

Calvin’s Corner #91: Tullian Tchividjian; Wolf in Sheeps Clothing, Scoundrel or Victim?
December 12, 2016

On this edition of Calvin’s Corner Pastor Michael Newnham and Phil Naessens discuss how a wolf in sheeps clothing can destroy a community by using the example of former Corel Ridge Pastor Tullian Tchividjian and much more. DOWNLOAD  

Calvin’s Corner #90: Biblical Illiteracy Running Wild!!
November 28, 2016

On this edition of Calvin’s Corner Pastor Michael Newnham and Phil Naessens discuss the irony of some professing Christians damning Roman Catholics to hell for practicing un-biblical acts when they believe in such un-biblical things as “accept

Calvin’s Corner #89: We Should Be About Better Things!
November 14, 2016

On this edition of Calvin’s Corner Pastor Michael Newnham and Phil Naessens discuss the United States Presidential election and the aftermath, the misconceptions regarding the protests and the protesters, and how Christians could probably be about b

Calvin’s Corner #88: Eschatology, the Election and the Return of Jesus?
November 07, 2016

On this edition of Calvin’s Corner Pastor Michael Newnham and Phil Naessens discuss why the eschatological prophecies concerning this election being the trigger for Jesus return is probably wrong and why the conclusion of the election won’t be

Calvin’s Corner #87: C Peter Wagner Splits Hell Wide Open
October 25, 2016

On this edition of Calvin’s Corner Pastor Michael Newnham and Phil Naessens discuss the recent deaths of C Peter Wagner and Jack Chick, whether or not Wagner split hell open like the online discernment ministries claim he did and why Protestant Chri