Calvary Christian Fellowship Ventura

Calvary Christian Fellowship Ventura

Latest Episodes

Something's Fishy
July 01, 2015

Ever feel like you're running in circles and getting nowhere? Reading from the Book of Jonah and continuing from the sermon from the previous week, Pastor Don preaches a sermon about how our stubborn ways takes us to places we don't want to go and how …

Running From God
June 21, 2015

Have you been running from God? Have you failed to obey His commandments and decrees? Reading from the Book of Jonah, Pastor Don preaches a message that applies to us all as we all have sinned and fallen short of His glory. Like Jonah in his running…

June 16, 2015

Reading from Amos 7, Pastor Don Modglin preaches a message entitled “Ordinary”. Like in the case of the prophet Amos, we see how the Lord takes ordinary men and women and converts them to extraordinary sons and daughters of the King. Seeing the opposi…

Tear your Hearts Not Your Clothes
June 09, 2015

Is God trying to wake you up? Is God trying to awaken America and the world? Pastor Don preaches a message entitled “Tear Your Hearts, Not Your Clothes”. Reading from the Book of Joel, we hear a message about how Israel was indifferent and apathetic a…

Return to the Lord
May 31, 2015

Pastor Dan O’Friel preaches a sermon entitled "Return to the Lord" based on our reading in Hosea 14. As the last chapter in the Book of Hosea, we read of the Lord’s healing hand working even in their faith in the Lord and to the Lord. In the previous c…

A Scandalous Love
May 24, 2015

Pastor Don begins a new sermon series in what Bible scholars call the “Minor Prophets” in the Old Testament. Reading from Hosea 3, we find the scandalous love story of Hosea and his cheating wife Gomer. In the same way that Hosea loved Gomer, the Lord…

Three Words About Daniel
May 20, 2015

Pastor Don preaches a sermon entitled “Three Words About Daniel” based on our reading in Daniel 9. Here we find a man who set himself to live his life purposefully in his faith. Here we see a man of God constantly in prayer as we should be. Here we …

Shining a Bright Light
May 10, 2015

“… and no injury whatever was found on him, because he believed in his God.” Pastor Don preaches a sermon about the believer’s integrity based on the text in Daniel 6. Can you stand in your faith before God and man and remain unscathed? Pastor Don exp…

Learning the Hard Way
May 03, 2015

Have you heard the pleadings and warnings of God and His Word? Reading from Daniel 4 and the story of Nebuchadnezzar’s pride and humiliation, we find the story of a man who did not listen and did not turn to the Lord until the Lord humbled him. Here â

Burned Out, Burned Up, or Fired Up
April 28, 2015

In a sermon entitled “​Burned Out, Burned Up, or Fired Up”, Pastor Don shares the familiar story of the trial of Daniel and his three friends. Reading from Daniel 3, Pastor Don preaches a sermon about how the trials and tests of life can change us