The Calmbirth Conversation Podcast

The Calmbirth Conversation Podcast

Latest Episodes

#27 Matrescence and Preparing for the Postpartum Period
February 12, 2025

Join Karen as she talks with Dr Oscar Serrallach about the research and science behind Matrescence and what couples and their community can do to support and protect this incrediblyimportant and tran

#26 Good Nutrition for Pregnancy & Gestational Diabetes
November 12, 2024

In this episode Karen explores with Lily Nicoles the importance of good nutrition for Pregnancy. They discuss not only what good nutrition and "Real Food" means but ways in which pregnantwomen and p

#25 The Wonders of the Female Pelvis with Fiona Hallinan
October 01, 2024

This episode is all about exploring the wonders of the Female pelvis. Karen and Fiona share their passion for the Pelvis and how it adapts in birth. They go on to discuss how birthing women and people

#24 Fetal Monitoring Options for Labour
August 21, 2024

In this episode Karen discusses different Fetal Monitoring options ,and the research behind them, for labour withKirsten Small, a retired Obstetrician, researcher and educator. Kirsten has a pass

#23 Part Two, Informed Consent – A Conversation with Bashi Kumar-Hazard: The NSW Birth Trauma Inquiry
July 17, 2024

In this episode, Karen and Bashi are having a raw and frank conversation about informed consent and birth. It is our hope that by honouring and hearing those women who have experienced trauma in o

#22 A conversation with Bashi Kumar-Hazard: The NSW Birth Trauma Inquiry – Part One
June 28, 2024

Bashi Kumar-Hazard is an Australian competition and consumer rights lawyer and the principal of B W Law, a legal practice established to support and assist women and children. She is also the chair of

#21 Understanding Pain in Labour
May 16, 2024

In this episode, Karen discusses the two different approaches and perceptions of pain in labour. These are the medical approach where pain in labour is seen as dysfunctional and something to be 'fixed

#20 Baby Brain: How pregnancy and motherhood shape our brain and change our minds.
April 11, 2024

Join Karen McClay as she talks with Dr Sarah McKay about her new book "Baby Brain: The Surprising Neuroscience of How Pregnancy and Motherhood Sculpt Our Brains and Change Our Minds".

#19 Understanding natural pauses in labour and when to wait or when to act.
March 06, 2024

Join Karen McClay and Dr Marina Weckend as they discuss Marina's research into the natural pauses of labour and the importance of normalising these plateaus or rest periods.

#18 Creating an optimal microbiome during Pregnancy, Birth and Beyond.
May 09, 2023

Karen and Emma discuss the importance of the microbiome for pregnant mamas and people, and their babies, and how we can maintain and create an optimal environment for a healthy microbiome during pregn