C3 Church Atlanta Online

C3 Church Atlanta Online

What’s Your Mark? - Week 38: Believe

September 14, 2014

God has given us the power over sin, doubt and fear. There is no reason for us to be afraid because with Jesus the darkness of this world has no power over our circumstances. Where we see destruction, Jesus sees redemption and salvation. It is imperative to know who you are and believe that Jesus is who He says is—the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end.

Jesus wants us to stay connected to Him. Like the Gentile woman in Mark 7, keep seeking and keep knocking even when it seems hopeless until you get what you want. Through worship, prayer and humility, we stay in the Will of God

God wants to fill you with His Spirit, but He can’t fill you if you a full of yourself. With God in you and you in God, you are unstoppable because you are a reflection of an awesome God.

For more on Jesus’ grace, check out whatsyourmark.org