C3 Church Atlanta Online

C3 Church Atlanta Online

What’s Your Mark? - Week 29: Proverbial Pigs

July 13, 2014

In life, we can become ruled by problems that seem to arise out of nowhere. When we face a problem that is too much for us to handle, we ignore it; however, the longer we ignore this problem, the more it interferes with our lives. Jesus wants us to stop ignoring our problems and, instead, allow Him to come alongside of them and heal them. The problem will disappear when we allow Jesus to intervene, but there is always a price. Jesus will not force His help. He will heal us if we are willing to pay the price. In Mark 5, the price was a herd of pigs in exchange for the freedom of one man. In life, the price could be the comfort and familiarity we have with our problem. For Jesus, the price He paid to bring us freedom was His life. Jesus will set us free from our issues if we allow Him entrance.

For more on Jesus delivering this man from demons, check out whatsyourmark.org