CUE ONE GO-Theatre Show

CUE ONE GO-Theatre Show

Ten Ways To Battle Theatrical Insecurities - C1G 017

August 07, 2015

Insecurity isn't an issue that only affects a few people. Nearly every actor, singer, dancer battles with their own insecurities, whether it be how they look, how they perform, or both.

I am and have always been my own worst critic. And that extends past my stage performing into every aspect of my life as an artist.

So you may be asking, “How do I battle my own insecurities? I don't ever feel good enough.”

Here are Ten Ways To Battle Theatrical Insecurities.

1. Understand that you're not alone
2. Realize that having insecurities is a GOOD thing
3. Start thinking of ways to mentally hit the kill switch when doubt starts creeping in
4. Understand that NO ONE likes the way they look
5. Understand that NO ONE likes the way they sound
6. Listen only to helpful critique
7. Seek out constructive criticism
8. Vocalize your worth every day
9. Don't look back on negative experiences
10. Understand that you won't know until you try

These are just some of the things I live by when I start telling myself that I'm not good enough.

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Links to articles mentioned in Episode 17:
Dailymail UK article written by Michael Crawford