Build Your Own BrandCast

Build Your Own BrandCast

BYOBrandcast S2 E3: Analyzing Your Customer

January 23, 2017

How well do you understand your current and potential customers? If the answer is not very well, then you are taking a huge risk. Without a good Customer Analysis, your brand building process is at risk of being over generalized and poorly targeted.
We’ll discuss the value of a good Customer Analysis and share some resources to help you organize your customer’s needs, interests, and concerns. Having the proper tools and thinking is the proper way to build your own brand. You don’t want to miss this one.

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What is the goal of a brand? The first goal of any brand is to create some type of action or reaction from the customer.
One of the most important aspects when you’re building a brand is understanding your consumers. You have to be extremely clear on who you are targeting for whatever your value proposition may be. You need to be clear on who you are talking to and understand them beyond the surface level.
What is the buyer persona? The buyer persona is essentially a tool that we use that takes into consideration the needs, the behaviours and the concerns of a customer. When you want to understand and build an emotional connection or relationship with your customer, you have to really understand what they need, what problems they are trying to solve, what some of their common behaviours are, and what they are actually concerned about so you can speak directly to those things when it comes to your market.
Every buyer has a journey that they go through. We call it the buyer stages. And your goal as a brand is to win the day.
What are the three buyer stages?
The awareness stage. This is where a consumer is aware that they have a problem.
The consideration stage. Once the customer is aware of the problem, now they are going to consider the possible solutions.
The decision stage. The buyer has to make a decision after considering the possible solutions to their problem
What’s your job as a brand in this process? Your job as a brand is to have content available and to speak to the questions that your buyers are asking during each stage of their process of making a purchasing decision.
How does a brand close a deal? First, it attracts people to the brand. It makes them aware that your brand exists. Next, it should convert them from solely being aware that you’re a possible solution to actually making you a legitimate contender in their decision-making process. Once you win that, you close the deal.
Is the job done when the deal is closed? No. You build the backbone of a successful enterprise to repeat business. That’s why you want to make sure that you not only close the deal with your customers but that you actually enthral them with coming back to the register time and time again. More so, you want your customers to be generators, to actually generate power and attention for your brand.
What are the types of consumers?
These are the people who aren’t even aware that you exist, so you attract them to your brand. Once they are visitors, your goal is to convert them to customers. These are people who are going to share about your brand, make referrals and even become an actual partner...