Build Your Own BrandCast

Build Your Own BrandCast

BE YOUR OWN BRANDCAST EP. 24 – Weapons of Mass Distraction

December 02, 2016

| Distractions, Control The Controllables, Attention & Focus ( 2DEC16) |
Happy Holidays!!!
In today’s episode of the Be Your Own BRANDcast we are focusing on creating an Elite Life.  What in the Focus are you doing to ensure your being goal oriented and directing your attention to what’s really important in life?  Please allow us to offer some ideas and perspectives that will increase your awareness of the weapons of mass distractions that are taking your attention away from your greater aspirations and goals in life.  You must have the ability to separate the world from your world to create the life you want to live, and we have some strategies in this show to help you do just that.
Thank you for taking the time to listen to our program! If you have any information on Branding, Business, or Building an Elite Life that you’d like us to cover, send us a tweet @EnthrallU, and we’ll add it to our topic list!!! #BeElite