: Real Estate Investing Simplified : Real Estate Investing Simplified

BSFF Podcast 155 – Bandit Signs and Lawsuits - : Real Estate Investing Simplified

November 16, 2015

In today's podcast we will continue with some daily questions.

As we continue our 5 Daily Questions Series, you will hear more valuable questions from other Real Estate Investors and some of my own students.

Show Notes
In This Show, We Cover:

* Who is Angel and what does he/she do? I keep hearing this name in the podcast and in the forums but I still don't understand the role.
* I have 2 separate sellers who have double wide trailers they want to sell. They have brick foundations and the FHA approved straps. Do you suggest I move forward with these or think I should stay away?
* What would be the correct objection handler for this phrase: “I can't believe you were so unprepared that you haven't done any research on the house. Do your research and call me back with an offer.”
* Is it necessary on all deals to have an appraisal and a BPO done? Also, do you have a home inspection on every house you purchase through your system?
* Currently 1/3 of my business comes from bandit signs. I have been able to help good people out of bad situations using these signs. They are illegal in my city and last year I was cited to court and had to pay a small fine. Yesterday a police officer served me with summons to court over my signs. I stopped counting at 52 violations. The possible fine amount is near $15,000. My attorney says that there is a new Supreme Court decision that says that the city's discrimination of signs based on content is a violation of the First Amendment. In other words, since my city allows political signs, and yard sale signs, but not real estate signs, it is a violation of free speech. That being said, I am considering filing a federal lawsuit against my city. I think it is unfair that the politicians exempt themselves from their own sign ordinance, and find the sign ordinance to be obtrusive. Would you recommend doing this? It will be somewhat capital intensive but I think someone has to stand up for the small business person.

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Please send questions you would like Michael to answer to and he will answer them on one of his upcoming podcasts!

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