The ButtonClick Admin Podcast | For Salesforce Admins, Developers, and Executives

The ButtonClick Admin Podcast  | For Salesforce Admins, Developers, and Executives

The Magic of Salesforce with Nik Panter

December 10, 2015

Today we talk to Nik Panter, Vice President of Services at Cloud for Good. As a Salesforce MVP he works to inspire others and help answer questions on twitter. Nik has been in the Salesforce ecosystem for quite some time and was one of the first people to help me with a Salesforce question. In this episode, recorded at the Salesforce World Tour Minneapolis stop in early December, we talk about how Nik got started in Salesforce, what his hook to the community was and how NEW Admins can tackle learning and the vast amount of resources available to them.

Be sure to connect with Nik on twitter at @NikPanter

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Our special so-host this week is Kris Lande. Kris is a rockstar at Salesforce having worked on the Salesforce1 mobile and now the Admin Marketing Team. As a Salesforce Admin Kris was a technology leader for her company helping to improve business processes and increase adoption. On the Admin Marketing Team she inspires admins through keynotes and breakout sessions to practice operational awesomeness and helps to create an inviting Admin Zone.

Be sure to connect with Kris on twitter at @KrisLande

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We want to get Marc Benioff on the podcast and we need your help! In every podcast episode this year we have asked guests "What is the one question you would ask Marc?" and we have amassed an amazing amount of questions. So tweet your questions, support, etc using the hashtag #ButtonClickBenioff to help us get Marc on the podcast.
We want to remind you that if you love what you hear, or even if you don't head on over to iTunes and give us a review. It's super easy to do and it really helps more Admins find the podcast. Plus, we would really appreciate it.