The ButtonClick Admin Podcast | For Salesforce Admins, Developers, and Executives

The ButtonClick Admin Podcast  | For Salesforce Admins, Developers, and Executives

Going #NoCodeNovember with Michelle Gillen

October 29, 2015

Michelle Gillen manages a team of developers building salesforce solutions in the health care industry.  She has been transforming organizations processes with Salesforce since 2011. She is challenging her developer team to solve problems without code for the entire month of November, something she calls #NoCodeNovember. Michelle's team is looking forward to diving into #NoCodeNovember—will you join them? One day per week? A full week? What about challenging yourself to clicking your way through the whole month of November?

Be sure to connect with Michelle onTwitter at @mellegillen

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5 Reasons to Go #NoCodeNovember

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We want to get Marc Benioff on the podcast and we need your help! In every podcast episode this year we have asked guests "What is the one question you would ask Marc?" and we have amassed an amazing amount of questions. So tweet your questions, support, etc using the hashtag #ButtonClickBenioff to help us get Marc on the podcast.
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