The ButtonClick Admin Podcast | For Salesforce Admins, Developers, and Executives

The ButtonClick Admin Podcast  | For Salesforce Admins, Developers, and Executives

The London Admin User Group with Matt Morris

May 28, 2015

"Sometimes it's a lot like therapy."





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In this episode we talk to Matt Morris one of the founding members of the London Admin User Group about why he got started. We have some surprise guests like previous guests Jenny Bamber who tell us why they come back. Paul, who is a freelance consultant in London likes to come to the user group to hear other Admins experiences and share his- like therapy. Amanda comes to learn about the new features coming out so that they can help shape her org and improve processes.
About Matthew Morris
As a director at Desynit Matthew has a pivotal role to implement their growth strategy, to build and strengthen the Desynit position within the community, and become the #1 solution provider in the South West of England, and then beyond.

Matthew is an active member of the community and has been recognized as a Salesforce MVP for 2015. He is a founding member and co-leader of Salesforce user groups in Bristol and London, and a speaker at Dreamforce. As a co-host of the Cloudlife Salesforce podcast he speaks with industry leaders, Salesforce executives and product mangers to dig in to the benefits of cloud technology.

London Admin Meetup Group
Group Introduction
Solo Admins group on

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Tweet using the hashtag #ButtonClickBenioff to help us get Marc Benioff on the podcast. You can tweet a question, suggestion, or just tell him you can't wait to hear him on the podcast.
Admin Buzz
This is your chance as a community to shine and be featured on the podcast! This is your chance to be creative! Record the introduction to the podcast for us, and we’ll use it in our upcoming episodes! Your intro should follow this script:
“Welcome to the ButtonClick admin podcast. Here are your hosts, Mike Gerholdt and Gillian Madill!”
then leave us your name and where you are calling from. Be creative! This is your chance to use cool sound effects, music, or even sing it as a song! Click here to share your Admin Buzz!

We want to remind you that if you love what you hear, or even if you don't head on over to iTunes and give us a review. It's super easy to do and it really helps more Admins find the podcast. Plus, we would really appreciate it.