Busy Building My Empire

Busy Building My Empire

1.14 COVID19 and having to Pivot

May 01, 2020

The Corona Virus, Covid19, or whatever you are calling it, has been hard on everyone for different reasons. If it has been because you have been sick yourself, an employee laid off, or an entrepreneur that has been told to close your doors and wait, it is been a roller coaster.

I am watching my friends having to make the tough decision to close their doors forever. I am watching people struggling to make ends meet. I am even having days myself that I am having meltdowns as I watch the world I have built for myself come crashing down. I talk about how my wedding season has been flipped upside down in the episode.

The Biggest thing I am constantly reminding myself and others is, remember your tribe. They are here for you! You are not doing this alone. There is someone else doing this with you! It is OK to have bad days, BUT you need to get up afterwards put on some pants, get ready, and tackle the day. We have to keep moving, that is the only way we are all going to make it through this.

If you need someone in your corner, I am in your corner! Shoot me a message, I am always down to chat and help you!