Business, Politics & Lifestyles

Business, Politics & Lifestyles

Business, Politics & Lifestyles EP29

December 08, 2019

Local issues including: The Governor Baker Education Bill and ongoing Massachusetts gas leaks. Gary interviews: Tom Kehoe an international wholesaler with experience conducting business in China, Hong Kong, and throughout the globe. He advises the United States Department of Agriculture with a concentration on the trade deliberations’ impact on agriculture, farming, and international trade. Jason Van Camp a decorated Green Beret who attended and played football at West Point before earning his US Army Ranger tab and Special Forces tab. He is the co-author of Deliberate Discomfort: How U.S. Special Operations Forces Overcome Fear and Dare to Win by Getting Comfortable Being Uncomfortable. Richard Manning the President of Americans for Limited Government, and Co-Author of the book Necessary Noise – How Donald Trump Inflames the Culture War and Why This Is Good For America. Please subscribe to this podcast.