Business of eCommerce

Business of eCommerce

Sourcing Products from China (E133)

July 07, 2020

* Brian Miller* Founder of Easy China Warehouse

Show Notes:

* Start on Alibaba * Making 1 type of product* Trading Companies make many types of products* Size* Biggest may not be best* A lower price may not be bad* Ordering Samples* Pay for samples* MLQ - Min Order Quantity* Always negotiable* Go for a 1/4 of the amount* "We want to try a sample batch with you first"* You won't make money on the first batch* Freight forwarding* Ask for referrals* Questions* "As a % of your business, how much eCommerce do you do?"* "How many of your shipments go directly to Amazon?"


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Brian Miller has been living in China for the past 10 years. He previously worked for one of the largest Chinese government owned manufacturers managing their North American Export operations. He now runs a 3rd party logistics warehouse in Shenzhen China called The company provides 3rd party logistics and shipping for Amazon FBA sellers and any ecommerce company creating products in China. Previous to Easy China Warehouse he founded and an E-commerce company which sells Bluetooth speakers.



Transcript :

Charles (00:00):

In this episode of The Business. eCommerce I talk with Brian Miller about importing products from China. This is a business eCommerce Episode 133.

Charles (00:19):

Welcome to the Business of eCommerce. The show that helps eCommerce retailers start, launch and grow the eCommerce business. I mean, host Charles Palleschi I'm where with Brian Miller. Brian is the founder of Easy China warehouse. He specializes in importing goods from China, and this is the second time I've asked on the show to chat about the entire process. Start to finish about how you can import goods from China. Brian's an expert in this. So I think that shows me very interesting. He answers a lot of great questions here. So onto the show, Brian, how are you doing today?

Brian (00:49):

Great. Thanks for having me on the show again.

Charles (00:50):

Well, yeah. Awesome to have you back on the show. I don't typically we do do repeats very quickly like this, but repeat guests you're on episode one, 27, we're talking very COVID specific. So I figured we actually started talking after the show and just kind of just on the general you know, working with getting products over from China. And I was like, you have a background in this. You're, you're a lot more of an expert than I think most people, right?