Business English Ace Radio

Business English Ace Radio

Business English Ace Radio Special Message

December 29, 2015

Farewell 2015, Hello 2016!
Thanks to all my English students around the world who made Business English Ace Radio a part of their studies throughout 2015.
Business English Ace Radio returns with new episodes beginning on January 5!
In this short episode, please listen to my special Farewell to 2015 message.
Plus, learn 3 habits of successful people - even before they have breakfast! (and follow this link to 9 more!)
Listen for an inspirational quote about opportunity from Jeff Bezos, the CEO of Amazon.
As always, keep practicing your English and make the most of 2016!
Good Luck with your goals in the new year. Listen up in January! :)
H. E. Colby
p.s. What mountain will you climb in 2016? Please drop a note on my Facebook page. Thanks!
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