The Business Marketing Show with Ed Keay Smith and Brendan Tully

The Business Marketing Show with Ed Keay Smith and Brendan Tully

E74 – How to Master Online Video and Photography with Matt Reed

July 31, 2017

In this episode we have Matt Reed from Photography Project back on the show.
Matt is a professional commercial photographer and through his studio Photography Project, works with businesses big and small on their photography, imagery and video.
We had Matt on back in 2014 and he talked in detail about photography and video as part of online marketing strategy. If you haven’t heard those episodes, they’re well worth checking out – they’re episodes 16 and 17 (links below).
In this episode we have him back on to talk about how photography and video in the context of online marketing, how it’s evolved over the last few years and how he’s working with clients in 2017.
This is wide ranging discussion and we cover a whole range of stuff including video and why you should probably be using a professional AND doing it yourself, some interesting strategies around Snapchat, Instagram and using video as a team building tool, drones and how his team is using them in his work plus a whole bunch more.
This is a great episode to listen to if you’re thinking about the look and feel of your website or doing more with video and social networks.
Click play on the video below to see an example of the “behind the scenes” style video Matt talked about:

Links from this episode:
Matt’s studio
Photography Project on Instagram
BMS Episode 16 on Photography with Matt
BMS Episode 17 on Video with Matt
Listening options:
Click here to listen on iTunes or click the Play button below to play from your web browser.