Business Connections Live - The UK's Leading Online Business TV Channel

Business Connections Live - The UK's Leading Online Business TV Channel

BCL258 How to create an online course

June 20, 2020

How to create an online course BCL258 From your experience, know-how and expertise Your content is your greatest asset.  You may be a trainer, consultant or speaker who would like to develop an online course. What are the secrets to developing a successful course? Can you use existing material and repurpose it. How long should it be and most importantly how do you promote it?   Michael Brook from My Expertise on Line will show you how you could create passive income from an online training course. Michael will also share with you the Total Online Course Blueprint… this is a tried and tested process that we use to create our own online courses and courses for our Done For You Clients. Who is Michael Brook Michael has been educating business people for over 30 years… In 1999 he left a senior position in the Pharmaceutical Industry to start his own training and development business… which he is still running. Professional Excellence specialises in Influence persuasion, behavioural change and communication applied to all aspects of business including sales. Marketing and leadership. Michael is an NLP Master Business Practitioner, NLP Master Trainer and Qualified Clinical Hypnotherapist. Michael is an experienced business film/video creator having studied with Michael Rosenblum (the father of video journalism) and Den Lennie…For the past 4 years, Michael has specialised in helping people in the expert space or helping professions to take their experience, know-how and expertise and create their own online courses.