Burps Radio - Pop Culture & News Podcast

Burps Radio - Pop Culture & News Podcast

#38: China Introduces Social Credit System

December 24, 2015

China Introduces Social Credit System
China has introduced a system called Sesame where you get points for being a good citizen. But if you’re a bad citizen, your points go down. So what constitutes a bad citizen? Well, if you’re linking to anti-China articles on your social media, if you’re importing non-Chinese products, or even if you associate yourself with people with low scores. This isn’t mandatory, and it’s opt-in for now. But as of 2020, the Chinese government hopes to get this up and running. This is a huge human rights violation as it demonizes those who don’t fall in line with the attitudes that the government wants. It’s unclear how the Chinese people feel about this, but they have about four years before everyone must participate in this “game”.
College Students Cry 'Cultural Appropriation' Over Rice
Oberlin College is the latest in a long line of social justice noise at colleges. They claim that the way their cafeteria prepares "ethnic food" is appropriating other cultures because it's not prepared in the traditional sense. The claim of course is outrageous because every cultures' food has its own version in other countries. Traditionally American food tends to have a somewhat different spin depending on what country you go to. It seems that since a lot of the big social changes have already happened, the regressive left has started to nitpick at things they only think are unjust.

China Just Launched the Most Frightening Game Ever - Anti Media

Oberlin College Students Cry 'Cultural Appropriation' Over Serving Of Undercooked Sushi Rice - Huffington Post

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