Burps Radio - Pop Culture & News Podcast

Burps Radio - Pop Culture & News Podcast

#34: Essena O’Neill Quits Social Media

November 05, 2015

Essena O'Neill is a professional Instagram model. Which, we didn't even know there was such a thing. But here we are. She recently announced she was leaving social media because, as she claimed, it turned her into a person she didn't like. She was getting paid ridiculous amounts of money to have products in her photos that were heavily edited to look a certain way. She was unhappy with who she became as a person and now she's left all her social media accounts and has started her own website. This starts a discussion on where we are in our society where fame is valued a lot higher than someone who is famous for doing something like playing music. She's still young and hopefully because of her large following, she'll set a better example for young people.