Build the Wellness Business You WANT with mo founder of

Build the Wellness Business You WANT with mo founder of

IWPP306 Passion, Purpose, Making Money; Building Your Wellness Business NOW! - Build the Wellness Business You WANT with mo founder of

June 04, 2017

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IWPP306 Podcast Transcript

Passion, Purpose, Making Money; Building Your Wellness Business NOW!

Working with integrative wellness professionals on Attracting New Clients I learned about the message follow your Passion to Make Money.

I believe after being in this business for decades going about building your business using this concept is a disservice to those wanting to Build their wellness business. Follow your Passion and Make Money is not the equation that will result in
Building The Wellness Business You Want.
Building Your Wellness Business is a strategic intentionally planned out endeavor. That by definition is your Purpose.

A passion is a strong or powerful emotion.
A purpose is one's intention to achieve objectives


Following your Passion and Building Your Wellness Business in most cases is actually a dichotomy.


Building The Wellness Business You Want does not result from following your passions.
Building The Wellness Business You Want does result from following your purpose.

Purpose can be generated from passion but Building a Wellness Business is dependent on solid strategic intentional actions that fulfill objectives that lead to the next and next step in Building Your Business.

The majority of marketing advice I heard from students that they were following was:
Follow your passion, create your product put it out there so you are seen as an expert; have a good funnel and become financially comfortable.

When participants came into the ATTRACT NEW CLIENTS course they, of course, had their service or an end product already made or in mind and what happened was I believe a surprise to both sides. Mine and theirs. In Module 1 they set up 2-time saving tools covering a top need of theirs of organization and time. This was a quick successful undertaking and we moved into Module 2 the Message module. This is where immediate discomfort; resistance and confusion of what the assignments were leading to arose.

The pieces we need to Set up the Attract New Clients System; the system that can bring wellness professionals the New Clients they want for their Business service or product seemed for many; I was told a leap of faith because they did not know where I was going with the Lessons in the Module. The preconceived notion of what the Message Module would be did not line up for them.

It took a while for me to absorb that some actually wanted a blueprint; an explanation up front in the Message Module. They wanted to know how the lessons would be of value to them, how they added up to be a part of their Attracting New Clients Message. I had no idea that this was the first time they would go through this type of exercise.

When I found myself explaining the very information we must have to work out How to Attract their prospective New Clients toward them— that is when I understood— many had not focused before on their purpose. The Foundational KEY to their offering, their business! They had mission statements, they had avatars, they had focused on titles, books, courses to position themselves and did a lot of work in this type of discovery but had not yet worked through the process it takes to know whether their purpose and the want/need of the prospective client they were going for matched with their service or product

This one missing step leaves us without the messaging we need to Attract New Clients to those very products and services. It made, even more, sense to me now why so many talented integrative professionals had their Top Need as Attracting New Clien...