Build the Wellness Business You WANT with mo founder of

Build the Wellness Business You WANT with mo founder of

IWPP304 Making Mountains Outta mo-hills - Build the Wellness Business You WANT with mo founder of

April 08, 2017

PODCAST Transcript:
Today I am going to pitch the idea to you that Making Mountains out of mo-hills is the way to success for you and your clients! See what I did there Mountains outta mo-hills!!!!

Ugh, I crack myself up…having this one-sided conversation called podcast leaves me without the real-time reactions of eyes rolling I can see when speaking to a group…So I am imagining all your faces rolling your eyes. ….


Making Mountains OUT of mo-Hills is exactly the way to Build the Wellness Business You Want.
Let me explain,
.. you are here, listening to me presumably because you want to build the wellness business you want. I am here because I want to help you Build The Wellness Business you WANT.

We are on the same page.

Now, I could overwhelm you with all the experience, the expertise, I have accumulated over 30 plus years because I know if you could just know everything I want to share about what it takes to Build The Successful Business YOU WANT you’ll succeed. And in a nano-second, I will lose you.

I can rattle off how to use your expertise to Attract clients, Attain those that are top notch clients, how you can step by step Retain them and have life- long base of clients, How you can figure out bio-individual self care using the expertise you already have, how to use specific exercises to alleviate 80% of the back issues clients bring you, rebuild, gut flora, find good testing, use Cell salts, Bach, EFT, Address Prenatal, Postnatal, infant, geriatric, chronic conditions, food intolerances, environmental toxins,… how Building Your Wellness Business goes through 2 business phases to succeed…you see my list of what I want you to know so you can be successful is already overwhelming AND it mistakenly comes across as you thinking you need to have all this knowledge to Build The Wellness Business You WANT when in reality a minutiae of the information is all you need to get started.

My 3+ decades in the wellness business have taught me that dumping a MOUNTAIN of information doesn’t help you it actually can have you running for the hills! (Ok ya gotta admit this whole mo-hill, mountains and hills thing is kinda funny)


If I instead use the technique of creating that MOUNTAIN by slowly making it out of mo-hills we both win!

Instead of you standing at the bottom of a huge information mountain thinking to yourself “SHUCKS!” (or something like it)
“How the “FLIP’ (or something like it ) am I gonna do all that! I don’t have time for what I am trying to accomplish NOW!”
I would not empower you by dumping my Mountain of INFO.

My Mountain of helpful info is keeping you from making your next best move.
HAD I instead used restraint, pulled with laser focus the best piece of information I could from my expertise and presented it to you with an action step that empowered you (that would be my mo-hill of information) ultimately when pieced together with the other mo-hills you would successfully be building your mountain! Walaa! Your goal to Build a Wellness Business You WANT becomes a reality because you kept taking your best next step. served and my goals to help you build that wellness business is served.

The mo-hills of information served your goals and my goal as well to help you build that wellness business you want.

Your accomplishment of stepping up onto and conquering the first mo-hill leaves you with the experience of success…  Success begets success and you want more are willing to do the work for it because you know it is paying off.


Ultimately when you build your mountain out of those mo-hills you make it to the top way faster than if you keep stopping with overwhelm.