Build the Wellness Business You WANT with mo founder of

Build the Wellness Business You WANT with mo founder of

IWPP303 How do I answer my Clients Vitamin D Question when we have just started our work together? - Build the Wellness Business You WANT with mo founder of

December 31, 2016


Today I am sharing a forum question from the foundation education course: Finding Point A.



The practitioner and I talked about the question and answer at her monthly practitioner session.

At the end, she told me the information we covered clarified a lot.

Her ah-ha moments motivated me to place the information she found valuable into this podcast for everyone.

This is the transcript of the podcast uploaded to: Build the Wellness Business You WANT: Episode IWPP303

When we began discussing her question I realized how many wellness professionals; especially those interested in or trained in the N. Nutrition field look to educate clients on using supplementation early on.

They see it as a logical way to help clients get going toward the wellness they want.

I know I did too. That is until I realized it was not uncovering my true bio-individual wellness picture or that of my clients by doing so early on.

I explained- first, before supplementation we want to discover if the micronutrient is in fact:

- missing, low or

- if there is a reason for increased amounts.


Here is the specific question posted:
"Does taking a vitamin D supplement carry a risk of too much vitamin D build up in the liver."
Now when I saw it on the forum I did not immediately respond.

The reason I hesitated was because I was surprised about the question. Here is why:
In Foundation Course we focus on Identifying the missing Macro nutrients that the Cell is dependent on for its:
1. Existence
2. Function and
3. S.M.I.L.E.. (Structure, Machinery, Instruction, Lotsa Energy).
We help clients figure out:
-which of the ESSENTIAL M.E.N. (Motion, Emotion, Nutrition) in their lives are missing.
- how they can incorporate the missing ESSENTIALS (M.E.N) into their daily lives.
The ones that will promote Self Care.

The CELL is our focus because Wellness is a by product or result of Self Care.

Self Care is = to the sum of CELL'f Care.
To figure out the bio-individuals ESSENTIALS we:
1. Spend time together with them Gathering all we can over a few sessions (Intake process) and then use the
2. Identify Here Process to help point us to the M.E.N. that currently exist in their lives (positive and negative) and those missing.
3. Once the M.E.N are Identified as either missing or P. Provided
the work changes from the Gather and Identify Here process to focusing on the:
4. HOW TO of P. PROVIDING their missing ESSENTIALS. 

This is the foundation of the WELLNESS clients WANT.
Hence the name of the foundation education course.
Self Care is the sum of CELL'f Care.

Our Wellness is dependent on how we and our clients care for our CELLs.


The question:
"Does taking a vitamin D supplement carry a risk of too much vitamin D build up in the liver."
is a: Nutrition Question. It is specifically a Vitamin Question. A vitamin is a focus of Micronutrients. ;-).

Micronutrients are important. Understanding their value, if they are in excess or missing is a big part of N. Nutrition. But that exploration comes after a client has incorporated all missing ESSENTIALS the CELL is dependent on.

It is also a Organ question verses a cellular question.

Our Organs are made up of tissues made up of cells.

If the body has excellent cellular health the tissues the organ is made of may mean it functions more ...