Build the Wellness Business You WANT with mo founder of

Build the Wellness Business You WANT with mo founder of

Build the Wellness Business You WANT 101: How to Help 'top-notch' Clients Find You. Step 1 Connect 1. Episode IWPPB503 3 Steps to Help ‘top-notch’ Clients Find YOU. (Step 1 of 3) - Build the Wellness Business You WANT with mo founder of

October 28, 2016

Post 3 of 5: Build the Wellness Business You WANT 101 series. How to help 'top-notch' clients find you. Podcast episode IWPPB503

Your Free pdf worksheets packet for this post can be downloaded using this link or the link at the end of the post.


Over and over again I see new wellness professionals struggle with how to reach potential clients.
I took 60 seconds on FB made a few screen shots of posts and another 10 seconds to grab the first Q off the most recent webinar I offered to share with you. Here are 3.

FB Q: "
Webinar Q " How do I find clients in my niche?...... and when a health coach is the furthest thing from their mind how do I get them to work with me so I can help them?......"

FB Q: "

Here  is how I answer each and every time I am personally asked:
How do I find clients and avoid the 'niche' restrictions I am  afraid will limit my business?:

Take 3 Steps and Make 5 Connects

There are 2 previous posts in this series: Build the WELLNESS Business You WANT 101: ATTAINING 'top-notch' clients.

Consider checking them out.

They make this post all the more can find them using the below links or signing up for the complete series to be emailed to your inbox: LINK for SERIES.

Post 1: Ever Wonder How YOU Could Attract NEW Clients in the First Moments of Meeting Them? Go to this post:

Post 2: The KEY to Building the WELLNESS Business You WANT when starting out is NOT I repeat NOT taking on Clients for FREE! NOR is it taking on anyone you can get! It is to work with this ONE Client Type instead.

For those of you who are actively using the information from the 2 previous posts and are:
~ using the new Approach on prospective clients you happen to meet and have

~ made room for implementing the 2 focused Business Steps; from the 4 Client types post.
This next question is one you will be happy someone submitted since it is most likely the same question you are now pondering....

I showed you above that FB has a form of this question posted multiple times a day. I personally receive it often too via the contact form. Here is an email I received from Pati Y asking:

mo, can you please tell me;
What do I do so 'top-notch' clients can find me?

Q: "Dear mo - With the guidance you gave all of us on the webinar, plus your other helpful resources I have swapped out my Approach.

I am totally comfortable that I am attracting verses 'getting' interest from new people I meet.
I'd like to mention one added benefit you did not bring up and I wasn't expecting but was a direct result of switching my APPROACH. The surprise benefit was: how I feel when I am in a situation of sharing with someone what I do. The APPROACH is totally amazing. Even with my own extended family members that have struggled with decisions around my lifestyle. What I do is starting to make sense to them. (not that they are interested but they are respecting my choices now;-).
Here is the thing- after using the new APPROACH a few times, I figured out I was actually a shrinking violet way more than I thought! It was because I was always trying to figure out a 'smart' opener or a 'perfect' response so I would be sure to make a good impression. What I noticed is I found myself dodging people to avoid messing up.
This resulted in me feeling awful inside... like I was self-sabotaging my success.

Now I know exactly what to do and my real caring personality shines through using my focused CELL'f Care bio-individual process Approach.