Building With BuildHer

Building With BuildHer

Pushing the needle forward with constant action

May 04, 2022

Every month we’ll be sharing a mini mindset session and today’s is devoted to accomplishing your big goals by investing time in pushing the needle forward with constant action. 

In this mindset episode, I’m exploring how small weekly constant action towards your most important project/s adds up to achieving your biggest goals sooner. If you’ve ever felt that you never have enough time and you’re forever running around trying to get everything done but not getting anywhere - this episode is for you. 

We all have the same amount of time every day - it’s just up to you how you spend it. It’s very easy to do the urgent things that others want you to do than do what you actually need to. 

You have to invest in running feasibilities and taking the time to reflect on where you want to be, how to get there and what your journey will look like along the way. 

Our time flies by so quickly so you need to be working a little every week on the thing that is most important to you. I’ll explore how you can manage your time within your projects, what are your weekly actions, what to do when you’re feeling stuck and how to use your support network to push the needle forward. 


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