Building With BuildHer

Building With BuildHer

A Chat with Lisa Breeze - The Architect from Go to Wow!

January 29, 2020

Are you planning a new build or renovating your home and struggling to visualise all the details? It’s very common to feel fairly overwhelmed in the beginning stages of renovating or building your home. You’re not sure whether it’s possible to manage on your own, or whether an architect is of true value. Is it really necessary and how much is it going to cost you?

An architect will take you right from your project’s conception to its completion. A great architect will work as your partner, guiding you through the holistic process. This can be a relationship that lasts a number of years, so how do you know you’re finding the right fit for your personality and your project?

Today we’re chatting with Lisa Breeze of Lisa Breeze Architect who will answer these questions and more. Get to know an architect; the person and the process. In Lisa’s philosophy, she designs homes for and with the people who live in them. Bringing a personal touch to architecture, Lisa shares her passion for craft and detail. Lisa thrives on the creative process, working in a partnership with her clients to bring their homes to life.

We hope you enjoy this episode as much we did!