The Buddy Gott Show

The Buddy Gott Show

TBGS 5: Learning, Smelling, Spoiling, & Jamming with Buddy!

April 14, 2016

In this heartwarming (and slightly disturbing) new episode, Buddy Gott presents a groovy new segment of the show called Word of The Day, in which you can learn complex new math puzzles to amaze your friends with!

Just kidding, of course. It's, uh, about words.

Hey, do you have a sense of smell? You do, huh? Do you like to use it and smell things from time to time? So does Buddy. Come and hear him smell something!

Also, there's some talk about spoiling and being a spoil sport, some thoughts on sharing your politics with others, and Buddy's final review of Kurt Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse-Five.

"That's not enough!!!"

That's not enough, you say? Well, here's some more...

Buddy also recommends two awesome podcasts for your listening enjoyment and education: one starring Johnny B. Truant, Sean Platt, and David Wright and another starring Kevin Tumlinson.

"But will Buddy rock us??? Will he rock our little hearts out?"

He sure will, dear reader. Buddy closes out the show with his performance of a classic rock and roll song.

Rock on and have a great day!