The BU Network Podcast | Conversations Worth Having

The BU Network Podcast | Conversations Worth Having

Ben Baker

November 04, 2020

Ben Baker has been helping companies, and the people within them understand, codify, and communicate their unique value to others for nearly a quarter of a century.
Ben is the president of Your Brand Marketing, an Employee Engagement Consultancy, author of “Powerful Personal Brands: a hands-on guide to understanding yours,” and the host of IHEART and Spotify syndicated show with over 150 episodes behind him.
Ben believes that if companies understand, live, and build cultures around their purpose, employees will engage, stay, and want to grow with the company.
This takes great leadership, communication, and awareness of the brand.

Connect with Ben:
Linked in:  @yourbrandmarketing
Twitter:  @yourbrandmrktng
Fb:  @yourbrandmarketing
YouTube:  @gettingyounoticed

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Music: Purple Planet Music
Sound Effect: soundbible