The BU Network Podcast | Conversations Worth Having

The BU Network Podcast | Conversations Worth Having

Eli Marcus

October 27, 2020

Eli Marcus is a fiery, renowned dynamic Motivational Speaker and businessman who, as CEO of The Seminar Center in NYC, worked with some of the all-time great celebs, book authors and speakers including: Michael Jackson, Mark Victor Hansen (Chicken Soup for the Soul), Dr. Richard Carlson (Don't Sweat the Small Stuff), Denis Waitley, Les Brown, Neale Donald Walsch, Ivana Trump, Davy Jones, Dr. Brian Weiss, James Van Praagh, Iyanla Vanzant, Caroline Myss and hundreds of others.
If you are prepared to alter your status quo and are ready for Massive Change, your life will likely never be the same again...and that's cause for celebration. When listening to Eli, get ready to discover who you truly are, why you are really here on earth, and how to alter the course of history and leave a legacy of glory which makes a profound difference in your life as well as others.

Connect with Eli:
Eli's Podcast: The Motivation Show
Facebook/Instagram: @EliMarcusSuccess
Twitter: @TheEliMarcus

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Music: Purple Planet Music