Bro v. Wade

Bro v. Wade

Latest Episodes

Bro V Wade 15: Pop Con
January 31, 2014

Every once in a while even we at Bro V Wade don't fully understand our actions. We get swept up in the whims of our emotion and don't think things through. Thank goodness we don't always have a way to turn our thoughts/decisions at those moments into law.

Bro V Wade 14: Revenge Porn
January 16, 2014

In these internety days new legal and ethical problems pop up on the reg. Words like "internety" and "reg" are commonly accepted forms of communication. People are posting homemade porn to the internet without second party consent. Tentacle monsters are h

Bro V. Wade 13: Klear Gear Yelping
January 08, 2014

Bro V. Wade is back after a Christmas and New Years hiatus. We come at you in full effect as we mock smart cops and explain why companies like Klear Gear are begging for our ridicule. Joins us in the fun as Bro goes Bane and V recovers from an IQ dropping

Bro V. Wade 12: Don’t Mess With Texas Cops
December 17, 2013

Some shit went down in Texas my friends. Kids taken from guardians. Cops not giving a fu*k. And it's Christmas time. I would write a more coherent intro, but I've been feverish for 24hours. You're lucky I'm not talking about goblins.

Bro V Wade 11: Metal Machine Music
December 10, 2013

As last week was with 'Static Age' this week is with Metal Machine Music. In fact, from this point forward, whenever anything goes wrong with a recording I will name that pod after an album which explains the issue. This weeks podcast sounds like robot se

Bro V. Wade 10: We’ve Got a Problem
December 03, 2013

The title of this podcast works on 2 levels. We have a real problem on the internet with all this "Net Neutrality" business, but we also have a problem with this podcast. You see a little audio issue creeps in around the 15minute mark and slowly gets wors

Bro V. Wade 9: Fake Drugs
November 26, 2013

This week on the Bro V. Wade podcast, the Bro is day drinking while V has what seems like a good business model. He wants to sell fake drugs to junkies to get rich. Wade has to step in and explain why that is not only a bad idea (not many repeat customers

Bro V. Wade 8: Clenching Buttox
November 19, 2013

Not so long ago there was a time in which it was considered polite to clench your bottom in order to not flatulate and offend those in your presence. It appears this simple act of courtesy is now probably cause for multiple penetrations by your local pol

Bro V Wade 7: Bro V. Bastard
November 12, 2013

A few weeks back the Bastard Gentlemen hosted Bro and Wade on their lovely little podcast. This week Bro and Wade returned the favor by having Plough (aka V) and Mat over for a little chat about scams which are perpetrated upon lawyers. As always the tal

Bro V. Wade 6: Calling Captain Justice
November 05, 2013

The Bro, the V, and the Wade are all in love with the good Captain Justice this week. I'm not talking about some jived up turkey selling street water on the side of an exit ramp, I'm talking about the good Captain Justice practicing law in Tennessee. We