The Resist Report

The Resist Report

Stop Trying To Make Third-Party Happen. It’s Not Going to Happen!

August 15, 2018

The Bros for America panelists are back this week to discuss GOP attacks on Nancy Pelosi, Trump/Russia, third-party election spoilers, and their nominees for #Shithole of the Week!

Bros for America is back with an all-new episode! Host and moderator Alex Mohajer navigates the waters as co-hosts Rance Collins, Thomas McAbee, and Daniel Fusselman chime in on the latest developments in Trump/Russia, the GOP attacks on Nancy Pelosi, third-party election spoilers and whether they threaten hopes of a #BlueWave in the US mid-term elections this November. 

Stop trying to make 'third-party' happen. It's not going to happen!Bros for America co-host Rance Collins, 8/15/2018

The famous line from the 2004 Mark Waters comedy Mean Girls is one that is familiar to the bros. They infamously spoofed the Lindsay Lohan film in a campaign PSA for Hillary Clinton that was released on Halloween 2016, just days before the 2016 American presidential election.

"You can't do that, it's social suicide," cries out Bros4America co-founder an Editor-in-Chief Mohajer, who plays the Lindsay Lohan bro, in response to hearing a friend state their intent to vote for Gary Johnson. "This is how 'Al Gore' happens."

The spoof was a modest hit, going viral on Facebook and amassing tens of thousands of views on YouTube. But in retrospect, the video is a prescient warning of what is about to pass in the presidential election. In it, the Bros warn against casting a vote for a third-party candidate.

Little did he know.

Here's Mean Bros, just for fun, and then check out the all-new episode of the Bros for America here:

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The Nitty Gritty/Credits

Bros for America is executive produced and hosted/moderated by Alex Mohajer, and stars co-hosts Daniel Fusselman, Thomas McAbee, and Rance Collins. The opening theme music is Operatic 3 by Vibe Mountain, and closing theme music is "It's Always Too Late To Start Over" by Chris Zabriskie. Bros for America is produced using Audacity and hosted and distributed by Bluberry/Powerpress, with professional hosting statistics gathered by Blubrry. Special thanks to original Bros4Hillary founder Nelson Melegrito, Matt Garrett, and of course, Hillary Rodham Clinton, who was the inspiration and impetus for this podcast. 

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