The Resist Report

The Resist Report

Robert Kennedy’s Ripple of Hope Speech Still Resonates 52 Years Later

June 19, 2018

MSNBC host Rachel Maddow broke into tears during Tuesday night’s broadcast of the popular evening cable news program, The Rachel Maddow Show.  The emotional moment, unusual for the
usually-gregarious Maddow, came during the final moments of the broadcast when she
attempted to read the lede of this breaking AP story report (entitled, “At least 3 ‘tender age’ shelters set up for migrant children”).  And for good reason. The sentiments were echoed by equally frustrated and disturbed media personalities across the country, including the panelists of the Bros4America podcast.  The June 19th episode  focused exclusively on the Department of Homeland Security and it’s participation in abusive and inhuman civil rights abuses against children at the U.S. border.
This is where we’re at.
Fitting then that June marks the 52nd anniversary of Robert Kennedy’s stirring ‘Ripple of Hope’ speech, in which he spoke of the ills of futility and challenged an entire generation to affect change in the face of insurmountable obstacles.
“Now, more than ever, what we need is that ripple of hope and belief in the promise of this great country that the late Bobby Kennedy spoke of 52-years-ago.
“Resistance fatigue,” as with any movement, is inevitable.  In an exclusive interview with Bros4America earlier this month, Rep. Maxine Waters warned of this, urging young activists to surround themselves with highly motivated and energetic people. As the hot summer days begin in earnest and the 2018 mid-term elections loom as one of the most important elections of our lifetime,  the
Trump Administration’s insidious agenda has reached a level of cruelty and inhumanity that come as a shock to even his sharpest critics.
The final five minutes of this week’s Bros4America podcast are dedicated to Thomas McAbee, who has sacrificed more for this country than most people know, and to anyone feeling frustrated and hopeless by this nightmare. You are the heart and soul of this fight.
Reports out of McAllen, Texas have begun to reveal the  United States is participating in human rights abuses against children immigrating from foreign countries by separating them from their parents and detaining them in what can only be described as mini-internment camps. The photos are enough to make any activist feel burned out and hopeless.
Especially troubling is the apologist and complacent behavior of the conservative news media, which has been continuously taking ordinarily non-partisan issue like the humane treatment of children, and making it a partisan one. Not to mention the constant repetition of propaganda and lies. For instance, FOX News personality Laura Ingraham took to her soap box on Monday night to seriously opine with no irony that the detainment camps for these young children, look like a boarding school.

I wonder if Laura @IngrahamAngle, who is an American citizen but adopted two children from a foreign country, would feel alright with her kids being detained in one of these detention "boarding schools" on her next international trip. It's just like summer camp, right, Laura?