Brooklyn Music World RADIO

Brooklyn Music World RADIO

Astrogeeks: Relationships & Black Moon Lilith through the Signs

October 24, 2016

Tonight we are going deep into Scorpio season and what better way than to tie in our Black Moon Lilith series with the theme of relationships. We have Jupiter transiting Libra, bringing expansion and wisdom in our romantic and business relationships. Last segment, we began speaking about the origins of black moon lilith, we covered the stories that have been passed on and how this mythological figure is portrayed in secular mainstream. We also uncovered that lilith is popular in wiccan, celtic, and astrology divinations. In astrology, Black Moon lilith is the dark shadow of the moon, it is a black orb, and a blind spot leaving an impression on the mind and personality. We went through the signs of Aries and Taurus, and tonight we will continue with Gemini, with our special guest, Martell from Daddy Longlegz Astrology. But first, on the introduction of relationships, lets dig into the intimate magical morals of investigating your partner's chart. 

Tonight on Astrogeeks at 11pm on