Brooklyn Music World RADIO

Brooklyn Music World RADIO

Astrogeeks Special -- HOUIEA Love [Higher Self Readings + Spiritual Protection]

July 05, 2016

On Astrogeeks, we welcome all divination practices that realign our vessels with the Cosmos. Tonight we have a special broadcast featuring HOUIE LOVE, We will discuss the importance of Spiritual Protection and what practices we can utilize in our meditation to provide this. 

Info on Higher Self Readings by Houie Love: Higher self readings realign you with your true purpose and will of the divine. They provide insight on exactly what you need in your life as well as what you don't need, allowing you to choose moving forward. The reading begins with a prayer of protection and clarity, then the summoning of your higher self in a safe environment bathed in LOVE. To end the session, advice will be given to help with any situations that came up in the reading and your higher self will return safely to the higher realms.

Tune in, July 5th Tuesday at 11pm --- !!! 


Book your sessions with HOUIEA here: