Bringing Business to Retail

Bringing Business to Retail

Latest Episodes

Sustainability And The Circular Economy - Yasmin Grigaliunas and Kirsten Kore
October 06, 2022

We've heard about eco friendly products, sustainable marketing, etc. But what is circular economy, really? With production and consumption hitting the limits of natural resources and the ever-increa

Why Do Some People In Business Succeed And Others Don't
September 29, 2022

Ever wondered how some businesses just seem to be an overnight success and others are still pootling (yes that's a made-up word) along, year in and year out? Last night, over pizza and wine by the bea

How To Keep Your Customers Shopping (Even In A Recession)
September 22, 2022

Keeping customers coming back to shop with you is so much easier and cheaper than marketing to and attracting a constant stream of new customers. In this episode, I'm sharing how you can dig in and r

No Brainer Sales Strategies
September 15, 2022

If I told you the exact formula guaranteed to sell more products, would you implement it? You're probably thinking "hell yeah", but I know the answer is, 99% of you won't. But, I'm still going to

Scaling A Family Business Into Australia's Biggest Party Store - Dean Salakas
September 08, 2022

Want to know how to turn a family business into a multi-million dollar business, and the country's largest online store in your industry, well, that's the story you want to hear, right? And doing it

Why Your Staff Aren't Doing What You Want - Daniel Murray
September 01, 2022

You've been there, right? You've asked someone on your team to do a task, you come back and check...and it's not done. Why oh why won't people (aka, our staff) just do as they're asked? The fact is, y

Are Your Suppliers Doing This - Masha Titova
August 25, 2022

Would you rather buy from a supplier who makes a lot of effort to send customers your way AND make it easier to sell their products...or one that just takes your money? If your suppliers aren't help

Decoding Gen Z - Kim Zorn
August 18, 2022

Born into the Internet era and raised on social media there's no denying Gen-Z will have a pivotal impact on the retail industry. In collaboration with the National Online Retailers Association, in th

A Natural Approach To Sales By Tapping Into Your Soul Language - Lisa Dadd
August 11, 2022

Do you struggle with how to sell your products? Do you find yourself giving discounts to people who don’t ask for them, or feeling like you HAVE to put in extra items when someone orders? I’m sure you

If You Haven't Done This Yet, I Guarantee You Are Losing Money
August 04, 2022

Wondering why your sales seem ok, BUT there seems to be less money in your bank account? Find out why and how to fix this fast.
